Thursday, August 28, 2008

Holy Goats!

Living on the edge of American Fork Canyon does provide its benefits and well also some surprises; the most amazing view of Mt Timpanogos, a beautiful drive over to Sundance, and on the other hand wicked winds in the spring, helicopters flying above as they are looking for stranded hikers, and perhaps news crews reporting of the bear attack. Yesterday we found another added surprise to living at the base of the canyon. As the kids and I were walking home from school yesterday we saw something running in the backyard of one of our neighbors. We stared closely and to our surprise we saw mountain goats. We ran home trying to beat them to our house and what do you know as we headed to the back porch their the were! They stood in a pack of seven panting heavily and looking a tad confused. I think both us and them wondered where they were heading. If the went much farther they would end up running down the mountain side into a neighborhood! As they pondered their decision they took full advantage of a fresh salt water drink. (Ben had just drained the pool pump and let the water accumulate on the other side of our fence). I believe that the goats have been endangered here in Utah so they have tagged them and even collared some to monitor their where abouts. What a shock it will be when they see them down on Healey Blvd!


Anonymous said...

That's kind of cool!!! Glad you got some pictures to share. We can't wait to see your family. I assume you'll be at the Wedding Reception tomorrow?

Melody said...

How fun is that!?