Wednesday, April 2, 2008

8 lbs later

So this is how the blog endeavor began....This morning I was inspired to share a little good news with all of those who have been following my latest health "journey." As I wrote I figured a blog would be a much better way to stay in touch. With a blog I could show pictures of my girls, brag about my girls, tell you what we are doing with the girls, tell you about my Ben, the wondrous enigma that brings joy and adventure to my life...The point is I need to do something other then crosswords, occasional genealogy and supporting the paparazzi. On another note, I have always failed miserably at journal writing so this blog may suffice as a family journal for now.

Most of you who will be reading this have been following my latest health saga. Since departing the hospital it goes something like this....tooth ache, root canal, crown, bulging disc with sciatica pain to the moon, physical therapy, oh and a sty in the eye! I will elaborate later. But I thought sharing pictures from my arrival home and from this week would convey how well I am really doing. Notice the 8 lbs that Ben managed to pack on me in just 4 weeks. Remind me to tell Ben it is time to slow down on the fat inducing foods now!

Back to this blog. Let me put the disclaimer out there...I can't type, write, don't know how to use punctuation and certainly don't know how to blog. Computer savvy I am not. I can't believe I am doing this. It must be caused by some sort of delirium left over from the hospital. But here we go on the blogging journey, thanks for coming along for the ride!


SARAH said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! Watch out- addiction is not far away.
Sorry to have not checked in the past few days- I've had some stinky virus that I'm trying to keep all to myself.
Love the blog!!!

Karen said...

Hi Erin,
Great idea and I'm sure you'll do great at the blog - I'm no tecnogeek either, but I think the whole point of the blog is that you don't have to be. I've been thinking of you and am heading to CT this weekend to visit with my Gram and take Tate on his first trip to NYC. Not sure if I'll make it to Redding or not.
Looking forward to your next entry.
Love, Karen

Rhonda said...

WELCOME! Keep it up and thanks for sharing.

Katie (Feuz) Nielsen said...

YAY!!! I don't know anyone who looks as hot or sexy as you without makeup - or after adding 8 lbs. You seem to have this whole blog thing figured out!

Sandi Bergeron said...

I love it, I think you should do it, everyday. I love the shots and the updates.

sam & sarah said...

so glad you are blogging.
i am always wondering how you are doing.
please...keep it up!!!