Yesterday we celebrated Ellie's 5th birthday with a zebra party!
Oh my goodness does this girl love zebra's!
So we went all out with zebras. Zebra's everywhere, on the invitation, the porch, the balloons, in the flower arrangement, on the cupcakes, even her bathing suit.
She enjoyed the day with all the other 5 year olds on the block and swam away. The mom's enjoyed the day relaxing by the pool and catching up with one another. I have to say this was the easiest birthday party I have ever hosted. My neighbors Wendy & Heather were so awesome, helping me pick up the treats and set up. I may have enjoyed the day even more then the Ellie! There is nothing that makes me happier then relaxing with friends and I am lucky enough to count my neighbors as my best friends. Oh wait, this is supposed to be about Ellie. Back to the star of the day! She woke up at her usual bight and early time of 9:30 with a room filled with balloons and a pair of zebra pj's waiting. She was so excited to get the party going I wasn't so sure how we were going to make it to 1. Luckily time flew, phew and before we knew it there were 10 little 5 years swimming around like fishes. Most of them took a quick break for cupcakes and snacks and jumped right back in th pool! After the guest left we enjoyed a dinner with the Kelly's at Ellie's favorite Tepanyaki followed by the fine film "Kung-Fo Panda". All said and done it was a day of Ellie favorites that we all enjoyed. We especially love watching Ellie grow up, she is such a joy to us and I am sure will continue to blossom in in her 5th year. Happy day Ellie Belly!
what an awesome day.
i can't believe she is 5 already!
i sure miss your creativeness around here!!!
LOVE the zebras!
post some photos of your house.
dying to see it!
Can you believe it? Can you freakin' believe she is FIVE?
Where did the time go? Someday, we will be at HER shower and wedding. Time! If only we could harness it in a bottle.
oh my word, elle belle is so cute! I want to come see you guys!
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